Rateable values broadly represent the yearly rent the property could have been let for on the open market on a particular day.
This is 1st April 2021 for the current list which came into force on 1 April 2023.
Currently the next Revaluation is set for 1st April 2026 with an effective date of 1st April 2024.
Business rates are calculated by multiplying the rateable value by the appropriate multiplier. There are two multipliers, standard (for properties with a RV of £51,000 and above, or empty) and small (for those with a RV of £50,999 and below). The government sets the multipliers for each financial year for England.
Revaluations make sure businesses pay a fair contribution and take into account changes over time in the value of property relative to others.
The government has put in place a transitional relief (TR) scheme to phase in any increases in bills. The limits are capped depending on the rateable value
RV 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26
Under 20,000 5% 10%* 25%*
20,001 - 100,000 15% 25%* 40%*
Over 100,000 30% 45%* 55%*
* plus inflation
There are a number of reliefs available including;
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