Council Tax is a tax on domestic property which was introduced in 1993, when it replaced the Community Charge (Poll Tax).
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) sets the banding of a property based on its value as at 1st April 1991, even if it wasn't built then.
This banding is then used by the local council to levy the Council Tax payable for your area.
The banding covers a wide range of values as shown in the table below, and the amount you pay in each band relates to the Band D standard charge level.
Band from to Charge
A £0 £40,000 66.67%
B £40,001 £52,000 77.78%
C £52,001 £68,000 88.89%
D £68,001 £80,000 Standard charge
E £80,000 £120,000 122.22%
F £120,001 £160,000 144.44%
G £160,001 £320,000 166.67%
H over £320,000 200.00%
If the Band D charge is £2,000 a year then a Band A property would pay only £1,334 whereas a Band H property would pay £4,000.
Different rules apply to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Are you paying too much Council Tax?
You could be if you are in the wrong Band.
Let me do the checking for you and put a case to the VOA if I think it is wrong.
Please use the Contact me tab above.
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